Author: stock genius

As an investor, it’s essential to consider the impact of a possible recession on your portfolio. While it’s difficult to predict when a recession may occur, there are certain sectors that tend to perform better than others during economic downturns. In this article, we’ll discuss five sectors that are generally considered recession-resistant and provide two ticker examples from each sector along with their performance during the last US recession, which lasted from December 2007 to June 2009. 1. Healthcare Healthcare is a defensive sector that tends to perform well during recessions as people continue to require medical care regardless of…

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The Best Three Free Stock Promotions for April 2023: A Detailed Overview and Guide Investing in the stock market can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to it. However, with the right tools and resources, investing can be both profitable and exciting. One way to make the most out of your investments is by taking advantage of stock promotions. These promotions offer a great way to get started in the stock market and can provide you with some valuable incentives to begin your investing journey. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the…

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Investing in dividend stocks can be a great way to build wealth over the long term. Not only do they provide a steady stream of income, but they can also appreciate in value over time. Here are some of the best performing dividend stocks of the last five years: Apple (AAPL) Apple is a tech giant that needs no introduction. The company has been on a roll over the last five years, with its stock price increasing by over 200%. But what sets Apple apart from other dividend stocks is its impressive dividend growth. The company has grown its dividend…

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Data Driven Trading Via the TradeUI Platform Find the best place to keep track of and manage market data for better data driven trading at TradeUI. No one likes going in blind, especially not on the stock market where money is on the line, which is why the most successful investors practice data driven trading. Data driven trading is when traders take in the data from the market and companies and make informed decisions based on those trends. However, there is a lot of data to keep an eye on all going on at once. This is where TradeUI steps…

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What are dark pools? The term “Dark Pool” can sound sinister at first, but in reality, it is another term for “Alternate Trading Systems.” These little-known groups serve a valuable purpose on the stock market. Understanding Alternative Trading Systems will give you valuable insight into the stock market’s inner workings. Alternative Trading Systems or “Dark Pools” are groups for trading securities not available to the public. Selling or trading in these groups means you do not have to declare your intentions to trade before the trade takes place. While Dark Pools may be vulnerable to predatory trading practices and conflicts…

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To understand the new politics stance and other pro nationals of recent times, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. If Bitcoin were to lose half its present value — which is not unlikely, given its extremely volatile past behavior — Tesla will lose around A$1 billion. As Elon Musk owns about a fifth of Tesla, he would then be down A$200 million. In contrast, I own no Bitcoin so I will lose nothing. Nor is Musk doing his fans any favors. As a “rock star CEO” with more than 40 million followers…

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To understand the new politics stance and other pro nationals of recent times, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. If Bitcoin were to lose half its present value — which is not unlikely, given its extremely volatile past behavior — Tesla will lose around A$1 billion. As Elon Musk owns about a fifth of Tesla, he would then be down A$200 million. In contrast, I own no Bitcoin so I will lose nothing. Nor is Musk doing his fans any favors. As a “rock star CEO” with more than 40 million followers…

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To understand the new politics stance and other pro nationals of recent times, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. If Bitcoin were to lose half its present value — which is not unlikely, given its extremely volatile past behavior — Tesla will lose around A$1 billion. As Elon Musk owns about a fifth of Tesla, he would then be down A$200 million. In contrast, I own no Bitcoin so I will lose nothing. Nor is Musk doing his fans any favors. As a “rock star CEO” with more than 40 million followers…

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To understand the new politics stance and other pro nationals of recent times, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. If Bitcoin were to lose half its present value — which is not unlikely, given its extremely volatile past behavior — Tesla will lose around A$1 billion. As Elon Musk owns about a fifth of Tesla, he would then be down A$200 million. In contrast, I own no Bitcoin so I will lose nothing. Nor is Musk doing his fans any favors. As a “rock star CEO” with more than 40 million followers…

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To understand the new politics stance and other pro nationals of recent times, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. If Bitcoin were to lose half its present value — which is not unlikely, given its extremely volatile past behavior — Tesla will lose around A$1 billion. As Elon Musk owns about a fifth of Tesla, he would then be down A$200 million. In contrast, I own no Bitcoin so I will lose nothing. Nor is Musk doing his fans any favors. As a “rock star CEO” with more than 40 million followers…

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